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Explosion Effect

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Today we will draw an explosion. It takes few minutes for this effect, but the result of this work impresses. Let’s begin.

Step 1.

Create a new picture with the size of 800X600 pixels and with black background. Press D button for setting colours, and then press X button for replacing them. Cover drawing by Radial Gradient Tool at will.

Step 2.

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Apply the filter Clouds (Filter > Render > Clouds) one time and Difference Clouds (Filter > Render > Difference Clouds) two times. Set Blending Mode layer with clouds on Color Dodge.

Step 3.

Apply function Hue/Saturation (Image > Adjust > Hue/Saturation) with the meanings: Hue: 30, Saturation: 50, Lightness: 40 to your layer.

Step 4.

Besides you can get the impressive tongues of flame using this effect. Apply such meanings in action 3 in Hue/Saturation: Hue: 30, Saturation: 50, Lightness: 0.

