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Hulk Eyes Effect - Photoshop Tutorial

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yesterday I watched the Incredible Hulk... and it was a real thrill ride. For those who are into the Marvel's Cross Universe, It was a great movie, probably not as great as Iron Man, but still a great movie. And now I'm gonna teach you how to do the Banner transforming to Hulk eyes.

This is the result we must achieve.


We start selecting that cool eye picture... if you want both eyes to become Hulk eyes, that's double work. For this tutorial, I'm gonna use only one eye. This is a personal picture.

Using the pen tool, select the eye. For those who are not familiar with the pen tool, you can hold and drag the pen to get curves. After doing that, right click inside it and click in "make selection". Go to Select > Modify > Feather > 5. Ok.


Don't loose that selection yet. Create a new layer and name it "GREEN", select it and paint inside the previous eyes selection, painting it all with just 1 click. Don't click several times, Just once. Now, invert the selection and delete... it will make our feather effect smoother. Se the GREEN Layer blending mode to Dodge Color.


Invert the selection once more, and after doing that, click in the Original pic layer, and click CTRL + C and then CTRL + V. That will make an eye copy... name it "EYE".


Now, hold CTRL and click the EYE layer we've made earlier. Go to Create new fill or adjustment layer > Hue/Saturation. For the Hue, use a value proper to your picture... make the eye gamma green.


We're going to use the Dodge and Burn tools. Both of them will have the same values. Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%. Size the brush as you wish. Use these tools to enhance the areas as shown.


And the Hulk Eye effect is ready. Now we gotta do that greenish feel to the skin. Make a new layer right above the Original layer, fill it with black, set Blending Mode: Hue, Opacity: 40%. Name it "BLACK HUE".


Repeat the same step, but this time, instead of filling this layer with black, use a really dark green. I'm using #030b00 here. Blending Mode: Hue, Opacity: 30%. Name it "GREEN HUE".


Now we must sharp the picture a little bit. Select the ORIGINAL layer, and go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask. Set the values as shown. Do the same for the EYE layer, but instead of using 5 for Radius, use 3.


We also gotta set the mood. If your pictures lacks lighting, this is a important step. Click the ORIGINAL Layer, and select the eyes area. Go to Select > Modify > Feather > 40. Invert the selection and go to Image > Adjustments > Levels > 0,50 (for the middle value).


Without losing this selection, create a new layer called "SHADOW" and fill it with black. Set the Blending mode to Overlay, Opacity: 50%.


And we're done! Now we got the awesome Hulk Eyes effect. I hope I made myself clear, and that all of you got the same effect. Enjoy, and cheers! :)

