
Google It!

Advertising Banner

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In this tutorial I will teach you how to make a perfect advertising banner. Let’s start.

Step 1.
Create a new 200X300 pixels document. Choose Rounded Rectangle Tool(Radius->3px) and create a rectangle like in the picture shown below.

Apply Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options with the following settings:

Now you have to create a stroke composed of points: create a new 2X2 pixels document and set the Zoom Slider to 1600%. Paint upper and lower pixels with white and black like shown on the picture below. Press Ctrl+A and apply Edit > Define Pattern (call it “2pixels”). Delete 2X2 px document.

Step 2.
Apply Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and use the following settings: Size->1px, Position->Inside, Fill type: Pattern (choose «2 pixels» pattern).

Now open a layer style “Shape 1” and choose Gradient Overlay. I used dark and light blue, Style->linear, Angle->123. Then make a rectangle with grey and white gradient (angle->106):

Step 3.
Holding Ctrl choose the layer “Shape 1” and apply Select > Modify > Contract (Radius->1px) and apply the button “Add Layer mask“.

Then create 2 lines with the width 1 pixel between blue and grey gradients.

Now create an advertising space. Choose Rounded Rectangle Tool (Radius->3px) and create rectangle with the Layer Style settings: Inner Shadow=> Opacity 18%, Distance 0px, Size 3px; Stroke=> Size 1px, Color-light grey.

Add several dividing light-grey lines. Then create a small Rounded rectangle (Radius->3px) of the blue color on the left. In the center of this rectangle create a very small Rounded rectangle of dark blue color and stroke=> Size 1px, Color->pale blue.

Add a tick and apply Drop Shadow. Merge Down 3 layers and copy them. Add a text for advertising.

Step 4.
Let’s create a “Buy Now” button. Create Rounded rectangle (look step 2) with additional settings: Inner Shadow=>Size 12, Distance 0, Opacity 10%.

Create a smaller rectangle inside the bigger one with the following settings: Stroke=> white, 1 px, Outside; Drop Shadow=> Distance 1, Size 4, Opacity 50%; Inner Shadow=> Distance 1, Size 1, Angle 90, Opacity 50%; Gradient Overlay=>white to Grey.
Then add a text on this button.

Step 5.
Finally, add any image and the banner is ready.

