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Unique Paper Design

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In this tutorial you will design unique notebook paper.

Step 1:

Let’s start out by creating a new file. I used a 1000×300 pixels canvas set at 72dpi, and I filled my background with white color. In a new layer draw a large rectangle with #F2F1EF color shade and 330 x 270 px dimensions.

Step 2:

Now add the line pattern found on a paper design. With your Pencil Tool draw 2 px lines with #E9EDEE color shades on your gray rectangle.

Step 3:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Inner Glow and Pattern Overlay blending options to your paper design layer.


Step 4:

Now grab the Eraser Tool and set the brush to a Chalk 60 pixels or any other brush type that has that same design. Then erase some edges of your paper design.

Step 5:

If you wan to punch holes on the paper use the Elliptical Selection Tool to cut out the holes. Also you can rotate the paper through Edit > Transform > Rotate.


Unique Paper Design.

